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Barnes And Noble Book Club Picks: Interior Decor Ideas

Can'tMiss Barnes & Noble Book Club Picks ̢ۢ WithGuitars
Can'tMiss Barnes & Noble Book Club Picks ̢ۢ WithGuitars from www.withguitars.com

The Theme and Design Approach

Before diving into the details, it's important to establish the theme and design approach for the space. As the focus is on books, the theme should revolve around the cozy and comfortable atmosphere of a library or bookstore. The design approach should be traditional with a touch of modern elements to create a timeless look.

Library Interior Design

The Color Scheme

The color scheme should be warm and inviting to complement the cozy atmosphere. The walls should be painted in a neutral color such as beige, cream or light grey to create a peaceful background. The furniture and accessories can be used to add pops of colors such as deep red, navy blue, or forest green to create a welcoming ambiance.

Neutral Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement should be strategic to create a functional and comfortable space. The centerpiece of the room should be a cozy armchair or a comfortable sofa facing the bookshelves. A side table and a reading lamp should be placed nearby for convenience. A coffee table can be added in the center of the room to serve as a spot for placing books and drinks. A rug can also be added to anchor the furniture and add warmth to the space.

Cozy Armchair


The bookshelves should be the main focal point of the room. They should be placed against the wall and arranged in a visually appealing manner. The books can be arranged by genre, author, or color to create an interesting display. A ladder can be added to reach the top shelves and add a touch of elegance to the space. Bookends and other book accessories can be used to add personality and charm to the shelves.



The lighting should be soft and warm to create a cozy atmosphere. A combination of overhead lighting and table lamps can be used to create a layered effect. The table lamps can be placed on the side tables, bookshelves or the coffee table to create a warm glow. Dimmer switches can be added to control the brightness and create a relaxing ambiance.

Table Lamps


Accessories can be used to add personality and charm to the space. Bookends, book accessories, and book-inspired decor can be used to create a cohesive theme. A cozy throw blanket and decorative pillows can be added to the armchair or sofa to create a welcoming atmosphere. A vase of fresh flowers or a potted plant can also be added to bring life and color to the space.

Book-Inspired Decor


A Barnes and Noble book club pick-themed room can be a cozy and inviting space for book lovers. Using warm colors, comfortable furniture placement, strategic lighting, and book-inspired accessories can create a timeless look that encourages relaxation and reading. Remember to add personal touches to make the space unique and reflective of your personality and interests.

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