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Pickling Lime Recipe: A Delicious Way To Preserve Your Favorite Vegetables

Lime Pickles Recipe Allrecipes
Lime Pickles Recipe Allrecipes from www.allrecipes.com


If you're a fan of pickled vegetables, then you know that there's nothing quite like the tangy, crunchy taste of a fresh pickle. But did you know that you can make your own pickles at home using pickling lime? Pickling lime, also known as calcium hydroxide, is a common ingredient used to pickle vegetables and fruits. In this article, we'll show you how to make your own pickling lime recipe, including all the ingredients, instructions, and nutritional information you need to get started.


Before you can start making your pickling lime recipe, you'll need to gather all of the necessary ingredients. Here's a list of what you'll need: - Pickling lime (also known as calcium hydroxide) - Water - Vinegar - Salt - Vegetables or fruits of your choice (such as cucumbers, peppers, or green beans)

Pickling Lime

Pickling lime is a white powder that's used to add crispness and firmness to pickled vegetables. You can find it at most grocery stores or online. Make sure to purchase food-grade pickling lime, as some types of lime are not safe for consumption.


You'll need water to mix with the pickling lime to create the pickling solution. You can use tap water, but if you're concerned about the quality of your water, you can use filtered or distilled water instead.


Vinegar is an important ingredient in the pickling process, as it helps to preserve the vegetables and adds a tangy flavor. You can use any type of vinegar you like, but white vinegar is the most commonly used.


Salt is also necessary for pickling, as it helps to draw out the moisture from the vegetables and adds flavor. You can use any type of salt you like, but kosher salt or pickling salt are the best options.

Vegetables or Fruits

You can use any type of vegetables or fruits you like for pickling. Some popular options include cucumbers, peppers, green beans, and carrots.


Now that you have all of your ingredients, it's time to start making your pickling lime recipe. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you along the way: 1. Wash and slice your vegetables or fruits into the desired shape and size. 2. In a large bowl, mix 1 cup of pickling lime with 1 gallon of water. Stir until the lime is fully dissolved. 3. Place the sliced vegetables or fruits into the pickling solution. Make sure they are completely submerged. 4. Let the vegetables or fruits soak in the pickling solution for 12-24 hours. This will help to remove any bitterness and add crispness. 5. After the soaking period is over, rinse the vegetables or fruits thoroughly with water to remove any excess pickling lime. 6. In a large pot, mix 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 1 tablespoon of salt. Bring the mixture to a boil. 7. Once the mixture is boiling, add the vegetables or fruits to the pot. Let them cook for 5-10 minutes, or until they are slightly softened. 8. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. 9. Once the mixture is cooled, transfer it to jars with tight-fitting lids. Make sure the vegetables or fruits are fully submerged in the liquid. 10. Store the jars in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks before opening. This will allow the flavors to develop and the vegetables or fruits to fully pickle.


Pickled vegetables and fruits are a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, pickling does add some sodium to the vegetables or fruits, so it's important to consume them in moderation if you're watching your salt intake. Overall, pickling is a delicious and healthy way to preserve your favorite vegetables and fruits for later use.

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