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Dairy Goat Barn Layout With Silo Structure

Dairy goat barn plans Mella mah
Dairy goat barn plans Mella mah from woodprojectizzy.blogspot.com
Dairy Goat Barn Layout


Dairy goat farming is a lucrative business that requires proper planning and execution to ensure success. One of the crucial aspects of dairy goat farming is the barn layout. The design and structure of the barn play a significant role in the comfort and productivity of the goats. In this article, we will discuss the ideal dairy goat barn layout with a SILO structure.

SILO Structure

The SILO structure is a unique barn design that offers several benefits to dairy goat farmers. The SILO structure is a cylindrical barn that features a central feeding area surrounded by individual pens for each goat. The feeding area is elevated, allowing the goats to access the feed easily while keeping their pens clean.
SILO Structure

Benefits of SILO Structure

The SILO structure offers several benefits to dairy goat farmers, including:
  • Efficient use of space
  • Easy feeding management
  • Improved ventilation
  • Reduced labor costs
  • Improved goat health and productivity

Barn Layout

When designing a dairy goat barn with a SILO structure, there are several factors to consider, including:


The size of the barn will depend on the number of goats you plan to keep. A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 25-30 square feet of space per goat.

Feeding Area

The feeding area should be located in the center of the barn and elevated to allow easy access for the goats. The feeding area should be large enough to accommodate all the goats at once.


The individual pens should be located around the feeding area and should be large enough to accommodate one or two goats. The pens should have a solid bottom to prevent the goats from digging and should be cleaned regularly.


Proper ventilation is crucial in a dairy goat barn to prevent respiratory issues and reduce odors. The SILO structure provides natural ventilation, but additional fans and vents may be necessary.

Color Scheme

When designing a dairy goat barn, it's essential to choose a color scheme that is calming and relaxing to the goats. Neutral colors like beige, gray, and white are ideal as they create a tranquil environment for the goats.

Furniture Placement

In a dairy goat barn, the focus should be on functionality rather than aesthetics. The feeding area should be the central focus, with the individual pens arranged around it. The pens should be easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance.

Decorative Options

While functionality is the main concern in a dairy goat barn, there are several decorative options that can enhance the aesthetics of the space. These include:
  • Hanging plants
  • Wall murals
  • Natural lighting
  • Decorative feeders and waterers


Designing a dairy goat barn with a SILO structure requires careful planning and execution. The barn layout should be designed with the comfort and productivity of the goats in mind, and the color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options should enhance the aesthetics and functionality of the space. With the right design and structure, dairy goat farming can be a lucrative and rewarding business.
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