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Perfect Recipe For Hard-Boiled Eggs

Easy Peel Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs Recipe Diaries
Easy Peel Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs Recipe Diaries from www.recipe-diaries.com


Hard-boiled eggs are a versatile food that can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a healthy snack. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. With this recipe, you can make perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs that are easy to peel and have a delicious taste.


Making hard-boiled eggs is a simple process, and you only need a few ingredients:
  • 6 large eggs
  • Water
  • Ice


Follow the below instructions to make perfect hard-boiled eggs:

Step 1: Prepare the Eggs

Start by selecting fresh eggs that are at least a week old. Fresh eggs are harder to peel, so it's better to use slightly older eggs. Then, place the eggs in a single layer in a saucepan.

Step 2: Add Water

Add enough water to the saucepan to cover the eggs by about an inch. You can use cold or hot water, but cold water is recommended since it prevents the eggs from cracking.

Step 3: Boil the Eggs

Place the saucepan on the stove over high heat and bring the water to a rolling boil. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the eggs simmer for 9-12 minutes, depending on how well-done you like your yolks.

Step 4: Cool the Eggs

Once the eggs are cooked, carefully remove them from the saucepan using a slotted spoon and transfer them to a bowl of ice water. Let the eggs cool for at least 5 minutes in the ice water. Cooling the eggs in ice water makes them easier to peel.

Step 5: Peel the Eggs

After the eggs have cooled, gently tap them on a hard surface to crack the shell. Then, carefully peel the shell off the egg, starting from the wider end. If you're having trouble peeling the eggs, try rolling them gently on the counter to loosen the shell.


Hard-boiled eggs are a healthy food that is low in calories and high in protein. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron. One large hard-boiled egg contains about 78 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat.


Hard-boiled eggs are a nutritious and versatile food that can be enjoyed in many ways. With this recipe, you can make perfectly cooked eggs that are easy to peel and have a delicious taste. Whether you eat them for breakfast, lunch, or as a snack, hard-boiled eggs are a healthy addition to any diet.

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