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Emilie Barnes Cancer: A Soothing Bedroom Design Approach

EMILIE BARNES Publishing "Cross the Pond" YouTube
EMILIE BARNES Publishing "Cross the Pond" YouTube from www.youtube.com

The Importance of a Peaceful Environment

Peaceful Environment

Cancer is a daunting disease that affects not only the physical, but also the emotional well-being of the patient. As such, a peaceful environment is crucial in promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels and improving mental health. In this article, we will explore a design approach that will help create a soothing bedroom for individuals battling cancer, specifically focusing on Emilie Barnes cancer.

The Emilie Barnes Design Approach

Emilie Barnes

Emilie Barnes was a renowned author, speaker and interior decorator who had a passion for creating spaces that promote peace and tranquility. Her design approach, which is centered on simplicity, functionality and elegance, is perfect for individuals battling cancer, as it helps create a calming atmosphere that is conducive to healing.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme is an essential aspect of any design approach. When it comes to creating a soothing bedroom for individuals battling cancer, it is recommended to use light, calming colors such as blue, green, lavender and beige. These colors have a calming effect on the mind and promote relaxation. Avoid using bright, bold colors as they can be overwhelming and increase stress levels.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

The furniture placement is another crucial aspect of the design approach. The bed should be the focal point of the room, and it should be placed in a position that allows natural light to flow in. Avoid placing the bed directly under a window as this can cause discomfort due to drafts. The bedside table should be within arm's reach and should have enough space to hold essential items such as medication, water and tissues.

Decorative Options

Decorative Options

Decorative options are the finishing touches that bring the entire design approach together. Emilie Barnes was known for her love of flowers, and incorporating fresh flowers or plants into the bedroom can help create a calm and serene atmosphere. Soft, comfortable bedding, plush pillows and cozy throws can also add to the overall comfort of the space. Avoid cluttering the room with too many decorative items as it can cause stress and anxiety.


Creating a soothing bedroom for individuals battling cancer is vital in promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels and improving mental health. The Emilie Barnes design approach, which is centered on simplicity, functionality and elegance, is perfect for creating a calming atmosphere that is conducive to healing. Remember to use light, calming colors, place the furniture strategically and add finishing touches that promote comfort and relaxation.

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